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Florida proudly touts itself as the freest state in the union. Well, if you look at Florida’s laws and how they are in relation to our gun rights. You know that’s not true at all. Florida is the only Republican state in the nation with an under-21 purchase and carry ban. Plus, it was a Republican supermajority that pushed mandatory waiting periods, a bump-stock ban, and is the only Republican state in the nation to ban open carry!

Steve Shives ain’t for that. Oh know, he sure isn’t!

How do I know? Simple, actions speak louder than words. Steve has hoisted Florida’s 2A Freedom Fest for a number of years on his business’ property. Yes, the yearly event where Florida’s gun owners from all walks of life, gather together and in one unified voice, announce to Tallahassee that we will not be subdued.

That’s because of Steven Shives.

Multiple times know, I’ve spoken to Steve about the issues Floridians face and he is just as fed up with it as you are.

That’s why he’s running and that’s why Gun Owners of America is proud to endorse Steven Shives for House District 27.

The Republican Political Machine doesn’t want people like Steve in Tallahassee. Well, we want someone like Steve in Tallahassee. Someone who’ll help overturn the gun control that the party elites passed in 2018 after Parkland.

So, get out and vote for Steve on August 20 during the Republican Primary and send the establishment a message.

And go to and help out Steve.