HB 295 Passed the Criminal Justice Subcommittee, Three Democrats Voted Yea in Support!

The Criminal Justice Subcommittee overwhelmingly passed HB 259.
On Feb. 10, HB 295 was passed in committee by fourteen to three.
Thank you for your diligent work in contacting your lawmakers. Your actions made the difference!
The votes in committee were the following:
The Yeas were: Rep. Cord Byrd (R), Rep. Chuck Brannan (R), Rep. Webster Barnaby (R), Rep. Elizabeth Ferrerhoff (R), Rep. Tommy Gregory (R), Rep. Brett Hage (R), Rep. Patt Maney (R), Rep. Alex Rizzo (R), Rep. Spencer Roach (R), Rep. John Snyder (R), Rep. Kaylee Tuck (R), Rep. Patricia Williams (D), Rep. James Bush III (D), and Rep. Michael Grieco (D).
Yes, you’re reading that right. Three Democrats voted in support of the bill. That was done because of your hard work. Let that be a lesson, when you put pressure on lawmakers; they fold.
The Nays were: Rep. Kevin Chambless (D), Rep. Dianne Hart (D), and Rep. Andrew Learned (D).
Again, three Democrats voted in support of a Republican pushed gun bill that will expand concealed carry locations. That was done because of your hard work.
As the State Director, I was there to speak in support of this bill and to outright demand that gun free zones be repealed. But GOA’s strength rests in its members putting the pressure on elected officials. I’m just the bullhorn; you’re the voice.

GOA’s Florida State Director speaking before the House Criminal Justice Subcommittee and demanding that gun free zones be repealed.
As a Second Amendment Activist, your actions are showing results!
Most lawmakers will bend knee when they get enough pressure from their constituency. Your phone calls, emails, letters, and physical presence make a difference.
I can positively tell you that one of the Democrats during the hearing flat out said that she’s been getting phone calls and emails about the bill and a good chunk of them were in support of its passage.
That shows that your actions do send a strong message. Your pressure on lawmaker sends a message.
Sen. Baxley (R) back in 2019 told me this:
“Republican Lawmakers don’t support pro-gun legislation because they don’t hear any negative criticism from their constituency. They take the silence of gun owners as approval.”
GOA has pledged and sworn to defend the Constitution, but we can’t do it without you. We are simply an instrument to amplify your voice in Tallahassee. You hold the power.
Remember folks, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Be loud, be proud, and be ACTIVE.
Don’t give up and keep up the hard work, stay in the fight. Thank you for your hard work.